Wednesday, 14 October 2009


topic - social networking sites

type of documentary: mixed

style of documentary: informative yet informal

channel and scheduling: BBC1 9pm Wednesday

target audience: adults (mainly parents) 30+

Primary research needed: interview with IT expert, interview with IT technicians , parent, young students

secondary research: newspaper articles, web pages

narrative structure: Open, non-linear, single strand - open so audience can have their own opinion

Outline of content:

Interviews with: Jules (head of IT in Weatherhead) in her office
Teacher in their office
Parents at home on their couch
A student in the corridor in their school uniform

Archive material: Newspaper article of girl who committed suicide over Facebook bullying
Article from The Guardian about teachers who have been cyber-bullied
MySpace Music pages
Facebook pages of celebrities‘

Reconstructions: Shot of girl chatting on internet
Shot of man posing as a young girl on the internet

Sound: Virtual Insanity – Jamiraqui
Cliff Richard song in the opening sequence
Lily Allen song juxtaposed when showing her MySpace page
Intense music when talking about dark subjects
A male voice overResource

Requirements: Video camera
Voice recorder

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